7 Random Things Before Teatime

1.  Cocoa versus hot chocolate – is there a difference?  I just Googled, and yes apparently there is.  Cocoa is made from cocoa powder, and hot chocolate (or drinking chocolate) is made from chopped up bits of actual chocolate you could eat, and is therefore more rich and delicious and yummy.  You can also make it with hot water instead of milk, and you should probably not do that with cocoa powder because yuck.  Also, people look at you oddly when you order cocoa in a diner at 11 AM and you’re a voluptuous curvy 40ish woman.  Fuck you, waitress, and give me my godddamned chocolate.

2.  I hate that stage after being sick where you feel fine, but you’re still coughing and sniveling and don’t want to do anything and need a nap by 2PM.  So you’re *not* fine, but you feel like you should be because it’s been a week, come on already, immune system!  I’ve got stuff to do, but instead I have ennui.

3.  Sometimes I get overly attached to my pens.  Like, I’m definitely not clinically OCD, but I’m totally common-usage-slang OCD.  I write out my week schedule every Sunday afternoon and add all the random things like appointments and lunches and tasks in purple.  And I cross them off when they’re done and feel very satisfied with myself.  But my purple pen died today, and that always fills me with a silent moment of anguish because a beloved coworker is retiring, and I don’t know if there is going to be an identical pen to replace it.  Woe unto me.  (I do have an aqua gel pen.  It’s on probation.  I think it’s too fat and smeary.)

4.  Luscious Links page (above) – I added some author friends who are fabulous, and am amused/horrified at the picture the “other stuff” I added paints of me: useful resources and webcomics and kinky stuff and recipes and how to twirl nipple tassels.  It’s not so much that that is an inaccurate picture of me, just that uh, yeah – a bit unintentionally revealing, there.  Ah well – go forth and enjoy.

Here, this is where the magic happens:

5.  My friend says I should tell you all what my morning routine is, so here:  Turn off alarm.  Stretch.  Pet dog, who is now in my face, demanding that I get up and give him food and love, in that order.  Bathroom, jammies.  Stop in office/guest room, grab water bottle, kiss husband if he’s been banished there for snoring in the big bed, turn on computer.  Hit ‘on’ button on electric teakettle on my way to the Bag of Delicious Kibble, being herded by the dog the entire way.  Fill water bottle, ponder mug choices for today’s tea.  Start checking emails and blogs and facebooks – all twelve of them.  Make tea, drink tea.

The day loses form after that – breakfast, writing, work stuff, exercise, shower, actually getting dressed in clothes I could leave the house in, playing ball with the dog outside.  I am frequently in jammies until 11, and often until 3 or 4 when I realize I *must* go outside for some reason.  I’m not a shut-in or agoraphobic, I just really like being inside.  Also, it’s summer and my skin isn’t so much “white” as it is “flammable.”

6.  I’ve traveled a lot more this year than previous ones, and I would like to share with you the awesome thing I bought known as a rolling carry-on laptop case.  It’s awesome.  I can put all my carry-on crap *and* my computer In The Same Bag, so the only thing on my shoulder is my purse.  For twenty years I’ve travelled with a rolling suitcase and an over-the-shoulder satchel, but then when I added a laptop case, that was just one too many things on my shoulders and it sucked ass.  This thing?  Is the bomb.  Seriously, you should get one.  If you don’t travel, give it to someone who does.

7.  Also, I am going to England and Iceland in a month or so.  London and Reykjavik, respectively.  I have a whole list of things to do, but I’m always interested in other people’s Must See and Do ideas.  For London, I’m thinking Sherlock Holmes tour, Natural History Museum, the Globe Theater, and the British Museum of Erotic Art.  Maybe a cabaret show, too.  And seeing friends.

Iceland – Viking ships and long houses and… I don’t even know.  Monuments to Snorri Sturluson?  I’m definitely steering clear of the hakarl, though…

If you have suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

About alixbekins

Alix Bekins lives and writes atop a treacherous hillside in the Santa Cruz mountains. Her days start with a cup of proper British tea, and end with crocheting ridiculous socks while watching TV. Alix is a sex-positive, kinky, belly dancing bisexual pagan. (The only reason “goth” isn’t on that list is because she prefers purple or pink hair to black, and thinks absinthe is a terrible joke.) Her muses often wear the faces of her favorite celebrities and porn stars, but are nowhere nearly as cooperative. Alix is pretty sure she’s the only person in the world who wears a plastic Viking helmet as a thinking cap when she battles writer’s block. She always wins.
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6 Responses to 7 Random Things Before Teatime

  1. Kim Fielding says:

    Coming in late on this, but I have a few recs for London: 1. Take a boat to Greenwich and wander for a few hours. Make sure you visit Greenwich Market for crafts and yummy food. 2. The Wellcome Gallery has some really cool exhibits–and it’s free. It’s just a few blocks from the British Library, where you can drop in to visit Magna Carta (also free). 4. British Museum. You can’t not visit the Rosetta Stone and Elgin marbles. 5. London Walks has some really fun tours. I’ve never managed to do the Jack the Ripper tour but I’ve done several others and enjoyed them all. 6. Visit the food court at Harrah’s. 7. I’m a history buff so I love the Tower of London. 1000 years worth of history in one place! And I like to walk across the nearby Tower Bridge.

    PS–I love lists too, and the satisfaction of Crossing Things Off. 🙂

    • alixbekins says:

      I love that we have the same tastes! I’ve done 3 (the library), 4, 6, 7, and 8. The Greenwich Observatory and London Walks are on the list already, too. 🙂 I will definitely check out #2, since it’s new-to-me and so far we’ve agreed on everything else.

      I can’t stop giggling. 🙂

      • Kim Fielding says:

        We obviously both have exquisite taste! 🙂 Have a wonderful time!
        Now, I’m going to Paris next month, where I’ve never been. Have you and if so what are your recs?

  2. alixbekins says:

    I have! But just for 5 days, and we didn’t do anything truly unusual, simply focused on art. We spent two days at the Louvre, which I recommend so you’re not rushed and grouchy, with your feet hurting. I am a sculpture fan, so the Musee d’Orsay was the place where I started to cry. We did a really cool bus trip to Monet’s house and gardens at Giverny, on one of the days. Also, we walked up to the Opera just to see it, and they were having a small concert that night, and tickets were very affordable. Well worth it. Oh! Pere Lachaise – it’s a huge cemetery, with Abelard and Heloise, Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison, and a ton of other famous people. A friend dragged me and it was surprisingly fascinating!

    I would love to go again and see some of the city itself, so be sure report back with what your experiences are. 🙂

    • Kim Fielding says:

      I only have 4 days there, sadly–but then I get a week in Zagreb, where I lived last year. I love Zagreb. 🙂 I definitely want to go to Pere Lachaise. I have a thing for old cemeteries. And the catacombs would be very cool too! I’m going with a friend who knows the city well, so I bet he has good ideas.

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